You NEED SQL Server Consulting

By Charles

March 13, 2017

digital, SQL, sql server, SQL Server consulting

As everyone seems to blame the SQL database for slow performance, the answer could be everyone.

Why Do You Need SQL Server Consulting?

It would be almost impossible to find a business that does not have a database sitting somewhere in its organisation.

A database might be part of an application like a CRM system or a custom-made application to track holiday requests, but there is always a database at the back.

SQL Databases are Organic

They are more like babies in that they grow and change over time.

A database might start small and efficient, but how the database is used can vary over time.

Even if it’s used for its entire life as expected, the amount of data it holds can affect how it performs.

Who Is To Blame For Slow SQL Databases?

If I had a pound for every time I heard “the database is slow”, I would be writing this post from a beach – a lovely beach without pebbles, that’s for sure.

I do not know why the database is constantly blamed for being slow.

However, I do know that they need to be maintained and monitored over time because the amount of data that gets inserted and stored is usually forever and always going up.

The number of users on a system also tends to increase over time as businesses grow.

Is SQL Server consulting right for you?

  • Are users complaining about slow performance?
  • Have you heard the phrase, “Is the database running slow”?
  • Has anyone performed a health check on your database server?
  • Is your application freezing for an unknown reason?

The above are just a few ideas pointing to a yes answer.

If you have never had a SQL health check or are unsure if indexes are being organised and rebuilt, then it’s worth a quick chat to find out if any issues lurking shortly can cause performance issues.


If you know, there are database performance issues; then you should get a SQL consultant.

Our consultants can troubleshoot and tune SQL for better performance, so contact Digital Samurai today for a resolution.


About the author

Microsoft Certified SQL Server DBA with over a decades experience including work for large FTSE 250 companies amongst others. The SQL Server stack has been the focus of almost all of my career in IT. I have experience designing, supporting and troubleshooting large Data Platform deployments.

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