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Why work with Cyber Samurai?

We align our business with yours, from process to goals

One of the first things we aim to do with every new client, no matter what project or service they have brought us in to help with, is to find a way to save them money. If we can save you the entire cost of our services through efficiencies or license reductions then we have reached cost neutrality and everything else going forwards is practically free from a balance sheet point of view.

Not only that but we know a great service is built of three equal and important parts. People, Process and Technology.

'People' includes the experience earned by years of experience dedicated to their role.

'Process' includes the knowledge of what procedures and methodologies need to be put in place for a successful result.

'Technology' is the software and scripts we have created over time and learned to use effectively during our careers.

It is very difficult to run a service without people that know what they are doing, the right tools to allow your people to fulfil thier roles and the knowledge of what needs to be done to achieve the levels of service you expect.


We have brought together a team of dedicated, experienced professionals with a focus on helping our customers manage, optimise, analyse and secure their data. We invest heavily in training and certification to prove, both to our clients and to our supliers and partners that we live what we preach.

We have decades of collective experience earned from the trenches. We have worked with clients with hundreds of SQL FCI / AG clusters and thousands of databases all the way down to single DB's on a standalone instance. We have run consolidation projects to save millions in SQL licensing and worked to rebuild multi terabyte sized databases from metedata corruption in disaster scenarios. We have the battle scars but prefer to be working along side you before a disaster happens as we can ensure we have the processes and procedures in place to reduce the impact of any outage.

Knowledge is best shared which is why we have invested a significant amount of time and money into building up and fine tuning our skills. Just like the Samurai we spend as much time as possible perfecting our skills across multiple disciplines.

The right tools for the job

We don't just bring skills, knowledge and experience to your business. We bring processes, procedures, our own scripts and also proprietary tools as part of our services. You wouldn't expect an electrician to borrow your tools so why would you expect DBA's? As part of our 'DBA as a Service' we include RedGate SQL Monitor which is another way we add value to our services.


We work hard on training up new staff to deliver our services but it does not stop there. Training courses, apprenticeships and on the job mentoring allow us to transfer skills and experience to everyone at Digital Samurai. The IT industry never stops so neither do we. There are new releases every month containing new features for your business to take advantage of and we are right there on the front line with you.

Certification is important to us from a personal development perspective but also from a collective business perspective. We encourage all of our staff to take exams everytime they learn new skills.

Worldwide recognised partners

We partner with the software and hardware companies you already know and trust.

An Outside View

One of the benefits of having a fresh pair of eyes look over what you have is they can take a look without the historical knowledge of 'how we have always done it'. Another benefit is that we can compare to many other companies systems and setups and advise on what works best in each situation. Finally and the most important benefit of an independent, external view, is that we are always looking for ways to add value to the companies we work with. Whilst complacency can set in for internal staff that are comfortable just doing the usual stuff day after day for a paycheck, that isn't us. We are itching to make improvements, automate, optimise and deliver value.


Whilst our customers are from around the world all of our resource is on shore and based in the UK. We believe in acting and investing locally so we are investing in the next generation of tech professionals with skills being learned with hands on apprenticeships.

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